• Ghislaine Maxwell

Ghislaine Maxwell, Founder and President of the TerraMar Project

Ms. Ghislaine Maxwell is founder and president of the TerraMar Project, a nonprofit whose mission is to create a global ocean community to protect and promote sustainable development of the ocean.

She holds a B.A. - M.A. from Oxford University. She is a private helicopter pilot, a trained EMT, and a qualified ROV and Deepworker submarine pilot. She speaks four languages: English, French, Spanish and Italian.


The TerraMar Project is a nonprofit ocean organization dedicated to building a global community who will speak up for the ocean.

We will use the power of our global community to conserve and protect the ocean.

By signing  the pledge  and becoming an ocean citizen you are joining the world’s first ocean community dedicated to giving a voice to the least talked about and most forgotten part of our planet.

One of our first priorities is helping to create an ocean-specific Sustainable Development Goal at the United Nations in 2014.
why the ocean?

The Ocean feeds billions of people, provides over half our oxygen, and creates the planet’s weather.
what is the problem? 

The ocean faces huge challenges – overfishing, marine debris, ocean warming, ocean acidification, pollution, and unsustainable development.

what does terramar provide?  

Solutions to the challenges.

An Ocean Sustainable Development goal will make  the ocean a priority, create new laws and governance to protect it

We provide the I Love the Ocean Pledge  – instant citizenship to the world’s first ocean community dedicated to sustainable management of the ocean.

The Daily Catch – daily ocean news covering politics, science, environment, and adventure.

A comprehensive Education platform, Friend a Species ,  Claim an Ocean Parcel , the Virtual Ocean Dive , and charity merchandise .


The high seas, also known as international waters or the global commons, make up 64% of the ocean covering a staggering 45% of the planet. We’re giving this area of the planet a voice through you. We believe, like the Law of the Commons, the high seas belong to all of us.


An ocean-specific Sustainable Development Goal at the United Nations.

A proactive, empowered, and engaged global ocean community.

Sustainable fishing practices throughout global fisheries.

More and expanded Marine Protected Areas – areas of biodiversity and sensitivity that are off limits to extractive activities such as fishing and mining.

An effective system to track and monitor illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing vessels.

Extensive ocean science and research – less than 5% of the ocean has been explored.

Clean energy solutions and science-based methods to fight ocean acidification and warming.

A sharp reduction in marine debris, includes tracking and regulations around discarded fishing gear.


Your citizenship is a pledge - you are declaring that you love the ocean and want it to be managed sustainably for generations to come.

You will help encourage your family, friends and co-workers to learn more about our beautiful blue planet.