Agenda - May 15th, 2014 9:00AM - 6:00PM
9:00AM - 10:00AM - Registration & Networking
10:00AM - 10:05AM - Opening Remarks

Chris Dessi
10:05AM - 10:30AM
David S. Kidder Presents “The Playbooks“ Take a journey through the raw experiences of some of the world’s top entrepreneurs. Understand the “Plays” behind their extraordinary success, and all successful leaders and companies – small and large – have in common
David S. Kidder
10:30AM - 10:40AM - BREAK
10:40AM - 11:30AM
Panel 1: The Evolving Digital Landscape

Gabe Goodwin
John Hall
Jocelyn Cripps
11:30AM - 11:40AM - BREAK
11:40AM - 12:30PM - Breakout Sessions
Session 1 - Social Media for Small Business
Room TBD

Session 2 - Social Media for Nonprofits
Room TBD

Natalie Barreto
Session 3 - Social Media for Real Estate
Room TBD

Norman Bobrow Real Estate
Westchester Digital SummitMain Room
Fire-side Chat “Native Content Campaigns that Rock”

Tessa Gould

Jarrod Dicker
Session 1 Leveraging Technology to Create a Global Ocean Community
Room TBD
Ghislaine Maxwell
Session 2 ”The Digital You” - Building Your Digital/Social Media Profile
Room TBD

Tami Cannizzaro
1:30PM- 2:00PM
Case Study - Fox Sports & Omnigon
Peter Vlastelica

David Nugent
Panel 2 - Creating a Winning Social Strategy
2:00PM - 2:50PM
Brett Wein
Linda Boff

Andrew Goldman
3:00PM - 3:50PM
Surprise Guests - Stay Tuned
3:50PM - 4:00PM - Break
4:00PM - 5:00PM
Gary Vaynerchuk
5:00PM - 6:00PM - Cocktail Hour - Networking
Curating our speakers for each summit has become our obsession. Our commitment to respecting you, your time, and your money is unsurpassed. Our vision was to host a global digital summit that just so happened to be held in Westchester County New York. We’ve succeeded.
There are more that we will be announcing shortly, but until then, please enjoy learning about our premier line-up of digital tastemakers from:
Facebook, Linkedin, GE, IBM, ESPN, Fox Sports, Rebelmouse, The Huffington Post, Gary Vaynerchuk, David S. Kidder, The Financial Times.
We think we can …
Last year- armed with a clear vision of what could be we launched the Westchester Digital Summit’s first website. On May 14th, 2013 the first summit became a reality - Thank you for helping us be worthy of the honor of Forbes Magazine’s “4 Lesser-Known Conferences That Deserve Your Attention in 2013.”
It is happening now …
We are inspired, honored, humbled and blessed to share with you our second annual Westchester Digital Summit which will take place on May 15th, 2014 at the Ritz Carlton in White Plains. Gary Vaynerchuk will return to keynote, and David Kidder Author of The Startup Playbook will share his wisdom and experience with us. David is a serial entrepreneur, co-author of the bestselling Intellectual Devotional books, and the recipient of the Ernst and Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award. He also lives right here in Westchester, New York, with his wife and three sons.
We are accomplishing this today …
We had over 750 registered last year. The Ritz holds just 350 Reserve your spot today.
We are becoming even more aware …
Right now we’re building the most compelling summit that will resonate for each of you. While we do so please visit our Youtube Channel with video interviews of each speaker and panelist from last year’s event as well as a time lapsed summary of the event. Here’s an Infograph with statistics and demographic data from our event.
Our Pinterest Page has amazing photos and video from attendees and finally if you’d like to just follow along, than you can find us on Facebook and Twitter.